Monday, March 14

Fresh Fruit Crumble

I am still pouring through the recipes in Cafe Gratitude's cookbook, determined to get the Irish moss thing going, but alas, I have put it off again. At least for another 24 hours while the moss soaks in my fridge. Then I will have to conquer it.

I don't know why I am so daunted by the task of soaking something and then blending it up with water. I tend to do that on a a daily basis with nuts and seeds. Irish moss just seems so... strange.

Mysterious Irish moss. It's a seaweed really. It makes raw desserts thicken up the way a gelatin would, which is really helpful in recipes that require food to take on a shape or stay firm when cut like a mousse pie.

So instead today I decided to make the fruit cobbler.
It's called I am Lovely in the cookbook.
I see why now it is named such.

It's simple to put together, requires no soaking for hours nor waiting for hours to dehydrate. I love that! One can also use fresh fruit on hand. The recipe calls for apples and strawberries, but I bet stone fruits like nectarines and apricots would be delicious as well.

I made a quarter of the recipe and found that I like these proportions even better since I can't possibly eat the entire thing in a week and it wouldn't keep anyway. The smaller portion I can eat with my daughter helping in a couple of days and not feel the guilt of not finishing something I spent time on creating. Sometimes the desserts are so good I feel terrible to throw out leftovers after they have been sitting in the fridge a while... the food is so pure, delicious and special I don't ever want to waste it. Perhaps smaller portions and cutting recipes down can help a bit.

Fruit Cobbler (serves 4)


in a food processor, use the "s" blade and process together:
1 cup pecans (not soaked)
pinch of salt
2 medjool dates
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp vanilla

Spoon and press half of the mixture into any bowl dish with edges on it that can give you a base about 5 inches wide. Individual cups like ramekins would work well for this also.

Save the rest of the mixture for the topping.


1 apple diced
5-6 strawberries cut into bite sized pieces
squeeze of lemon
tiny pinch of salt

Mix together in a bowl and scoop onto the crust.

Spoon the remaining topping on the fruit and it is done.




  1. Sounds like another good one to try. The dates sound like it would give it a nice natural sweetness.

  2. This looks like it's name, truly lovely. I will try this when we get ripe strawberries up here in Seattle this Spring/Summer.

  3. Hi Claire, I wrote an article about Irish Moss for my blog. Perhaps you would find it helpful. Check it out here:

    I love your photos. I hope we can meet soon, I teach in SF and the East Bay.


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