Saturday, April 2

bye bye gluten?

I am waiting to hear back from the lab to see if I have Celiac's. It will by my third autoimmune disease thus far behind type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto's (thyroid). 

Celiac involves the inflammation of the upper intestine. Eating a gluten free diet dramatically improves this.

Considering this new possible lifelong requirement of being gluten-free I am welcoming more cooked food into my diet.  I have been eating raw vegan for a long time, and I am welcoming the idea of some roasted and steamed veggies again.

This recipe is for (gasp) something candy-ish. But it is delicious. And gluten free.

 Caramel Corn


3-4 quarts popped corn
1 c brown sugar
1/2 c vegan margarine
1/4 c agave or corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda

1 brown paper grocery bag 

I made my first batch by halving the recipe and using a paper lunch sack. I wouldn't recommend this because the thickness of the grocery bag is much more absorbent. I was left with a runny mess in my microwave.

Combine sugar, margarine,corn syrup and salt in a glass bowl. Bring to a boil (about 1-2 minutes in microwave) and then cook an additional 2 minutes more. The longer boiling time will ensure a crunchy topping later.

Remove bowl and stir in baking soda.

Put popped corn in grocery bag and pour mixture on top. Close bag tightly and shake to evenly coat the popcorn with the caramel. Microwave the bag for 1 minute. Shake again and microwave one more time for 1 minute. 

Pour onto a cookie sheet and let the caramel corn dry and harden. If there is any left over store it in an air tight container. However, you may want to eat the entire batch standing over it in your kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your doctor has told you that autoimmune diseases do tend to go together. But if you haven't been eating gluten, the testing for celiac's wont work unless it's a DNA test. For example my test shows up as if I don't have it. Or did you eat some gluten so you could test it?

    The candy corn looks great! My husband has been wanting me to make something like this. Yum.


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