Sunday, January 23

little beds

I spent the morning thinking and plotting my desires of growing my own produce. I recently moved- well 9 months now, but I have yet to be in my new house through all the seasons so it still feels new to me. 
In my old house, I had a large raised bed in which I practiced square foot gardening. I also had a vertical gardening apparatus to allow for climbing fruits and veggies like cucumbers, summer squashes, or even some butternuts. So long, awesome garden. hello new house I don't know!
I put in a new set of garden raised boxes, with highest hopes of creating a year-round haven of produce. Little did I know- or think of, was that in the winter the boxes would be in shadow almost all day. I needed a new plan.

After pick axing- yes, me doing this, I removed two hedge-like pomegranate (ornamental) bushes and cleared a spot for a new box to catch some winter sun and allow for some greens to grow. Alas, as the day went by, I again saw that it too would be in shadow much of the day. Silly me.

I was a little tired and upset by then.

Finally I found a sunny spot that is sunny all day. 

End of this story is that I transplanted some perennials and now have 3 very neat rows of kale, lettuce and tomatoes that will hopefully sprout in a few days and bring me joy as I nurture the little plants. Then I will pick them and make yummy meals and snacks with them.

I feel a little foolish, but it was great to be outside all day regardless, instead of sitting inside at my computer or TV.

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